Mission:To match children and youth, who will benefit, with mentors who will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

Thank-you for participating in our Summer Fun Raffle. We hope you win some great items. 

Before you start, please ensure you pay for your tickets using the paypal link on the right. 

How to purchase your tickets:

1: Using the form below, please fill in your contact info and ticket purchase info.

2. Click the submit button to notify us of your purchase.

3. Use the Paypal button to complete your purchase

    OR send us an E-Transfer

                     Name: Bruce Grey Mentorship

                     Email: info@brucegreymentorship.ca 

                                (E-Transfer is set to auto-deposit)  

NOTE: ALL field with a red star must be filled out

NOTE: Tickets will filled out only after your payment has been verified by PAYPAL

TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT HOLST OFFICE PRO FOR PICKUP. You will receive an email when they are ready. 

*You will need the winning ticket stub to claim your item. 



Ticket are $10 each


The Raffle Draw will be held in a facebook live video on

Wednesday Aug 21. The results will be posted on our social media platforms and website.

Prizes will be available for pick up  at our facility.

517 11th Ave Hanover.