Mission:To match children and youth, who will benefit, with mentors who will help them build confidence and self-esteem.
Want to make a donation? Click here.
As custodians of your trust and generosity, we greatly respect your privacy and your rights as a donor. As a donor to BGM, you’ll be updated on our progress with newsletters and annual reports. And, of course, you are always welcome to contact us to find out more about our individual programs.
There are many ways in which you can help Bruce Grey Mentorship achieve fundraising goals so we can help kids thrive and have brighter futures.
Some ways to contribute:
Major Gifts (donations of $1,000 and above)
Monthly Gift Giving (billed to your credit card or chequing account)
Tribute and Planned Gifts
Participating in our fundraising events
Sponsor a Mentee
Your direct monetary gift can be made via:
Mail: by sending a cheque made out to Bruce Grey Mentorship to 517 11th Avenue, Hanover, ON N4N 2S3
Online: via Canada Helps (link on right)
No matter what method you choose, we pledge to offer you a prompt and professional response, a tax receipt where appropriate, and the recognition of your gift that is most aligned with your wishes.
No matter what amount and no matter which way you chose to donate, your contribution WILL have an impact on the lives of children and youth in our community .
Bruce Grey Mentorship is dependent primarily on our community, and our donors. Your gift to BGM can change a child’s life.
Bruce Grey Mentorship is a Canadian registered charity totally supported by individuals, groups, foundations and corporations. We are not government-funded and we are not a member of the United Way. We believe in sustainable funding and that programs should not be expanded unless they can maintained.
Bruce Grey Mentorship is only able to reach out and make a difference in the lives of children and youth in community because of the support of our generous donors.